For Better, For Worse

For Better, For Worse

  I love weddings! I am getting swept away with the romantic atmosphere and float on the streams of love and togetherness of the “getting-married” couple. I got a precious present to start the New Year; my niece is getting married. And not only that I love her and her...
Suddenly the Energy Was Ignited

Suddenly the Energy Was Ignited

When I first went in to Ann-Katrin’s practice I knew very little of what is going to happen and was extremely curious. She had already told me about her work and that by touching and working with “clay field” you can go deeper into sensing yourself and go through...
Insights of a Beginner Mom

Insights of a Beginner Mom

My son is about to be 3 years old in few days. He is in the age of inventing stories, role playing, learning about himself and also about resisting his parents. There is nothing that I love more in my life than being a mother to him. I could never imagine the...
EasyJet Temptations

EasyJet Temptations

It is midnight. I am sitting at my desk and “just looking” at the costs of flight tickets to Israel in the next months. I know; I just came back. It is a waste of time. It will distract my attention from what I am building here and after all I will be there in...