Pantarei Approach

Alongside my work with private clients and the activities I give to women, I am also a teacher of the professional studies of the Pantarei Approach.

Teaching students to work with others, touching and being touched with their mind and body and multiplying the vision of personal growth and health was an unfulfilled goal of mine for many years. So when the Pantarei Approach was established in Berlin, it was somehow a natural step for me to join this wonderful and highly experienced team of teachers.
The values on which the Pantarei Approach are based upon, sit together very well with my heart. Values such as respect, clear and empowering communication, embracing individuality and being in flow with one self and with life are allowing an environment of safety and trust with the client, that are the foundations for a fruitfull process.
This approach teaches its students how to help clients to overcome obstacles, to deal with chronic conditions, to let emotions be experienced throughout these processes and to gain new energy, lightness and clarity of purpose within themselves. This effective hands-on approach is useful in everyday life situations and teaches clients to take the lead in their own life.
The curriculum of the Pantarei Professional studies is shaped around the innate human qualities of empathy, touch and communication and is grounded in both our human need for connection and our powerful capacity for self-healing. This somatic bodywork approach addresses a wide variety of personal development goals and practitioners learn to teach their clients how to have a closer relationship with themselves, which strengthens their ability to handle the challenges that life presents to them.

Personal Sessions

Development & Recovery
Tap into your personal strengths and resources through mind-body integration and effectively create the changes you want.

Feminine Strength

Workshops & Lectures
Reconnect with the innate feminine strength and exceptional feminine qualities that we are equipped with, to deal with the challenges of life.